
Chenyu (Sev) Hou | 侯宸羽

Ph.D | UBC

Assistant Professor | Simon Fraser University

I obtained my PhD from Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia in July, 2021. I am currently an assistant professor at the Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University. Before joining SFU, I was an assistant professor at CUHK,Shenzhen.

My research interest is in Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, and Macro-Development, with specific focus on expectation formation, learning and information acquisition. I also have special interest in utilizing Deep Learning tools to solve economic problems.

Curriculum vitae

What's New?

Uncovering Subjective Models from Survey Expectations (updated 2024-09): Paper

The Dominant Role of Expectations and Broad-Based Supply Shocks in Driving Inflation (forthcoming at NBER Macro Annual 2024, 2024-05): Paper

Monetary Policy when the Phillips Curve is Quite Flat (AEJ:Macroeconomics Vol 16, No.1, (pp.1-28), 2024-01): WP Version

Urbanization, Structural Transformation and Rural-Urban Disparities in China and India (updated 2023-05): Paper

Convergence Across Castes (updated 2023-05): Paper

Learning and Subjective Expectation Formation: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach (updated 2023-04): Paper